(Please note:  We do not endorse, recommend, or receive any type of compensation from the developers of the software listed below!)

Home brewing set with 5 gallon containersFree Software

Brewtarget:  An Open Source application for Linux, Mac, and Windows.  Uses BeerXML, so it can share recipes with commercial software such as BeerSmith, listed below.

Brewer's Friend App for Windows (BETA):  Be a beta tester for this currently free software.

Commercial Software

Brewer's Friend online: Website features a recipe builder (online version and app for Windows), brew day sheets, calculation tools, and more.  Basic use for up to 5 recipes is free, but after that you can opt to pay for more features.  This site is membership-based, so you pay monthly or yearly.

BeerSmith:  A full-featured brewing application for Windows, Mac, and Linux.  There are also versions for iPhone and Android with a few less features.  Free 21-day trial.